Saturday, May 1, 2021

Blog Readers

My lady asked me last week to send her the link to some blogs, so that she could learn more about what turns me on.  Have I mentioned how amazing she is?

I thought about several that I follow, but I didn't really feel like any one in particular was a good example, by itself, of the things that interest me.  While each is appealing to a degree (why else would I follow them?), they are not completely in line with what I like. Some focus entirely on aspects that only mildly interest me, and some include topics as a minor element that don't appeal to me at all.  Others are so "out there" that I follow them out of fascination rather than similarity to my interests. 

I had been thinking the whole time that my own blog - this one - is the one that I should share. My primary hesitancy was whether knowing that she was going to read it would change what I write.  The answer is, probably so. But that's ok. It could be better than ok.

I sent her the invitation. I hope she likes what she reads.  I'll let you know.

Thanks for reading.


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