Monday, April 26, 2021

Jennifer Sort of Makes an Appearance

I slept at my lady's house over the weekend. It was after our little adventure that I described in my last post.  After she left to tend to things at her house, I started taking care of my tasks at my own place before heading over. As I prepared to go, I decided to wear only ladies' clothing.  Ladies' collared shirt (buttons on the other side), panties (all I wear, anyway), jeans, socks and sneakers.  All the externals would pass without a second glance in public 99% of the time. I know, because I frequently dress that way when I go out to run errands.  I don't look feminine, mind you.  No make-up, wig, or jewelry, just a guy proving that hardly anyone looks closely at you anymore. They're all pre-occupied with their phones.  

Anyway, I decided to be bold, and brought only a chemise, panties and a ladies short grey robe for the morning.  The chemise is my nicest one, and my lady has seen it before,  It's from Macy's, the Jenni brand. I don't think they sell that particular style anymore, but I found this image of it.

I didn't sleep well, so I went to her guest bedroom to finish out the night. I awoke later than her, and boldly donned the chemise, panties and robe, and padded into the kitchen to kiss her good morning and have coffee.  

Let me just say, she's amazing. We hugged and kissed, and sat down to enjoy our coffee.  I looked at her, bared my shoulder to show the strap and said something like, 

I thought I'd wear this, is that ok?

I noticed it when you first came down. Yes, it's ok.  Does it make you feel good?

Yes, it does. 

My eyes welled up.  She saw that, stood, came over and hugged me. She said,

I love all of  you.  I want you to be happy.

I kissed her, and I cried.  For years, I've been guilt-ridden by my longing for woman's clothes, and femininity in general. I've lost so much - a marriage, friends, family.  And here is this woman.  This amazing, beautiful, intelligent, strong, caring, loving woman who loves all of me.

I cannot yet fathom the fortune that has come to me. It's difficult to even write about it without welling up.

Thanks for reading.


P.S. I just realized that the name my favorite outfit by Jenni is so similar to my nom de plume.  It's either coincidence or some deeper connection that I'd not noticed before.  It can also be seen in my icon.

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