Monday, March 8, 2021

An Amusing Ride

It's been a while since I posted, and there have been some developments.

First off, the relationship with my lady just keeps getting better.  We bond on so many levels, and have such a great time together, doing everything. I like to go with her when she shops, or runs errands. She's sort of blown away by that, because her ex never did that. He reportedly whined and complained any time he had to do things she wanted or needed to do. His loss, my gain. 

We recently spent a week together in a small, rented apartment on a beach vacation. I think we were not more than a few meters apart the entire time, except for a brief trip I took to the market for a baguette one morning. We were also naked a lot. It was awesome. At the end, all we wanted to do was be together more. That will come soon, when we marry and I move into her house. Between then and now there are some logistical challenges to work out.

Ok, on to the kinky stuff...

My lady mentioned in some conversation a month or so ago something about chastity.  It might have been an article she'd read - she's studying up on kink, because, having come from a marriage where even oral was considered weird, she's got some catching up to do. I casually stated that I have a cage. She seemed a little surprised, but not much. I told her I'd show her some time. I'm trying to be careful not to pressure her into a situation that makes her uncomfortable. There are several reasons for that.

The primary reason is that I love her, deeply. I want her to be happy. To me that means that she is comfortable, and that we do things that she enjoys.  The second reason, not independent of the first, I suppose, is that I've learned (the hard way) that trying to do too much or go too fast is a sure way to failure. That said, maybe it sounds like I'm "topping from the bottom."  I think about that a lot. I'm trying not to. I'm focusing on making her happy, every day, in every way that I can. Nothing is better for me than seeing her happy.

As an example, the other day, I used the analogy of an amusement park with her. I said, "let's say I like amusement parks a lot, and that I like to go there often.  The parks are only so much fun when you are alone, and pretty soon, I start to find it less appealing. But then I take you to the park, and we go on some rides. The joy that I find in the park visit with you is mostly from seeing how happy being there makes you."  I don't want to take my lady on the craziest rides, I want to take her on the rides she wants to go on. If we never do all the rides, I don't care. If we do, it'll be because she discovered them and wanted to ride them. She might even want to go on rides that I don't like, but I'd do it because I love her, and I trust her. 

So, back to the cage, a few weeks passed, and we were making love. As is always my objective, her pleasure came first, and I was now heading towards mine. There was a bit of a delay in my climaxing, which is not unusual for me.  No issues with erections, but sometimes the climax eludes me.  She whispered in my ear, "you'd better enjoy this now, because afterward, I'm going to lock you up."  Schwing!!!  I climaxed a few seconds later.  In the afterglow, I told her, "I believe you've begun to understand my wiring diagram."  I brought the cage out so she could see it.  She played around with it, seeing how it goes together. A smile came over her face. I am amazed at her. We are way past any prior experiences I've had involving women in my kink. This is so fun.

Things went even further this past weekend.  I'll write about it soon.

Thanks for reading,


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